Selamat siang rintik hujan
Pagi tadi aku bicara jujur pada nya
Maafkan aku, harus kulakukan
Terima kasih
Untuk masa yang berarti
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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Rabu, 14 November 2012
Senin, 12 November 2012
Lyrics of Come Closer – Rico Blanco
I can feel you in the air
Like a silent breeze embrace me
I can see you everywhere
From the stars, to the sea
Ahoooo, what you do to me
Ahoooo, what you mean to me
I cannot wait any longer
Come closer to me now
You smile, and I simply surrender
Come closer to me now
Verse II:
Every little move you make
Sends my heart in to a different pace
I would gladly dedicate
every beat, to you
Ahoooo, what you do to me
Ahoooo, what you mean to me
I cannot wait any longer
Come closer to me now
You smile and I simply surrender
Come closer to me now
Come closer to me now
I can feel you in the air
Like a silent breeze embrace me
I can see you everywhere
From the stars, to the sea
Ahoooo, what you do to me
Ahoooo, what you mean to me
I cannot wait any longer
Come closer to me now
You smile, and I simply surrender
Come closer to me now
Verse II:
Every little move you make
Sends my heart in to a different pace
I would gladly dedicate
every beat, to you
Ahoooo, what you do to me
Ahoooo, what you mean to me
I cannot wait any longer
Come closer to me now
You smile and I simply surrender
Come closer to me now
Come closer to me now
Kamis, 08 November 2012
Bidadari syurga menurut Al-Quran dan hadith
On 24/06/2011,
in Uncategorized,
by admin
Bidadari syurga, makhluk yang telah
sangat indah yang telah Allah ciptakan untuk hamba-hambaNya yang soleh,
yang berbuat kebaikan, yang layak untuk memasuki syurga. Diceritakan
bahawa bidadari-bidadari syurga ini terlalu rindukan suaminya di dunia
dan teringin melihat suaminya di dunia, namun tidak diberi izin oleh
malaikat penjaga syurga. Suatu hari mereka meminta izin dari Allah untuk
menjenguk ke bumi bagi melihat suami mereka dan telah diizinkan.
Bidadari-bidadari ini dapat mengenal siapa suami mereka kerana di dada
mereka telah tertulis nama suami yang mereka rindui.
Apabila melihat ke bumi, mereka
terlihatlah bidadari-bidadari akan isteri bagi suami mereka di dunia
tidak taat serta berbuat derhaka kepada suami, lalu bidadari syurga itu
berkata, “Janganlah kamu menyakitinya, semoga Allah memerangimu,
sesungguhnya dia hanyalah tamu di sisimu, sebentar lagi dia akan datang
kepada kami dan meninggalkanmu.” Di dalam Al-Quran dan hadith banyak
sekali dijelaskan ataupun digambarkan tentang susuk bidadari yang
bertempat di syurga dan bersedia melayani para ahli Jannah.
Mahukah supaya aku khabarkan kepada kamu
akan yang lebih baik daripada semuanya itu? Iaitu bagi orang-orang yang
bertaqwa disediakan di sisi Tuhan mereka beberapa syurga, yang mengalir
di bawahnya sungai-sungai, mereka kekal di dalamnya. Disediakan juga
pasangan-pasangan/isteri-isteri yang suci bersih, serta (beroleh pula)
keredaan dari Allah. (Al-Imran:15)
Demikianlah keadaannya; dan Kami jadikan
kawan teman mereka bidadari-bidadari yang putih melepak, lagi luas
cantik matanya. (Ad-Dukhan:54)
Dan (mereka dilayani) bidadari-bidadari yang cantik parasnya. (Al-Waqi’ah:22)
Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan
isteri-isteri mereka dengan ciptaan istimewa, serta Kami jadikan mereka
sentiasa dara (yang tidak pernah disentuh). (Al-Waqi’ah:35-36)
Dan di sisi mereka pula
bidadari-bidadari yang pandangannya tertumpu (kepada mereka
semata-mata), lagi yang sebaya umurnya. (Sad:52)
Di dalam Syurga-syurga itu terdapat
bidadari-bidadari yang pandangannya tertumpu (kepada mereka
semata-mata), yang tidak pernah disentuh sebelum mereka oleh manusia dan
jin; maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu
hendak dustakan? Bidadari-bidadari itu (cantik berseri) seperti permata
delima dan marjan. (Ar-Rahman:56-58)
Sedang di sisi mereka ada pula
bidadari-bidadari yang tidak menumpukan pandangannya melainkan kepada
mereka, lagi yang amat indah luas matanya. (As-Saffat:48)
Dalam kedua-dua Syurga itu juga terdapat (bidadari-bidadari) yang baik akhlaknya, lagi cantik parasnya. (Ar-Rahman:70)
Ia itu bidadari-bidadari, yang hanya
tinggal tetap di tempat tinggal masing-masing; maka yang mana satu di
antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan?
(Bidadari-bidadari itu) tidak pernah disentuh sebelum mereka oleh
manusia dan tidak juga oleh jin. (Ar-Rahman:72-74)
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Jika salah
seorang bidadari menampakkan wajahnya, nescaya akan menerangi antara
langit dan bumi.” (H.R. Bukhari)
Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: Allah Azza wa Jalla berfirman, “Aku siapkan bagi hamba-hambaKu
yang soleh sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, tidak pernah
didengar oleh telinga dan tidak pernah terlintas oleh fikiran.” (H.R.
Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a, Rasulullah
s.a.w bersabda: “Jibril mengatakan kepadaku bahawa ketika orang mukmin
masuk syurga, akan disambut oleh bidadari dengan pelukan hangat dan
erat. Dengan jari dan telapak tangan manakah akan dibandingkan
kelembutan dan keindahannya, kalau lambaiannya akan memadamkan sinar
matahari dan bulan?” (H.R. Thabrani)
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sekiranya
salah seorang bidadari syurga datang ke dunia, pasti ia akan menyinari
langit dan bumi dan memenuhi antara langit dan bumi dengan aroma yang
harum semerbak. Sungguh penutup kepala salah seorang wanita syurga itu
lebih baik daripada dunia dan seisinya.” (H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a, Rasulullah
s.a.w bersabda: “Jika sehelai saja dari rambut bidadari jatuh ke bumi,
nescaya wanginya akan meliputi seluruh timur dan barat.” (H.R.
Ibnul Qayyim memberikan penjelasannya
mengenai hal ini: “Mengenai rambut bidadari ada dua sifat kontradiktif
yang membuat kecantikannya semakin nyata dan memikat. Pekatnya hitam
rambut terpadu dengan putihnya wajah dan mata yang bersinar cemerlang.
Sungguh kontras sekali, namun disitulah letak kecantikannya.” (Kitab
Hadzil Arwah:316)
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Rombongan
yang pertama masuk syurga adalah dengan wajah bercahaya bak rembulan di
malam purnama. Rombongan berikutnya adalah dengan wajah bercahaya
seperti bintang-bintang yang berkilau di langit. Masing-masing orang di
antara mereka mempunyai dua isteri, dimana sumsum tulang betisnya
kelihatan dari balik dagingnya. Di dalam syurga nanti tidak ada orang
bujang.” (H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Penghuni
syurga boleh mencermin melihat wajahnya di pipi bidadari yang mulus
itu.” (H.R. Al-Baihaqi dan Al-Hakim)
Dari Anas bin Malik, Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: “Seandainya bidadari meludah pada tujuh lautan, nescaya air
laut akan tawar kerana keindahan dan kemanisan mulutnya, kerana bidadari
terbuat dari za’faran.”
Dalam sebuah riwayat oleh Hafidz Abu
Bakar Al-Ajri, dari Imran bin Hasyim dan Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: “Mahligai-mahligai (istana) di syurga itu tercipta dari Lu’lu,
dan pada tiap-tiap mahligai itu ada tujuh puluh kampung dari Yaqut yang
merah dan pada tiap-tiap kampung ada tujuh puluh rumah daripada Zamrud
yang hijau; dan tiap-tiap rumah ada tujuh puluh tempat tidur; dan
tiap-tiap tempat tidur ada tujuh orang perempuan dari bidadari.”
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sungguh
tutup kepala salah seorang wanita surga itu lebih baik daripada dunia
dan seisinya.” (H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Anas r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: “Seorang mukmin di syurga diberi kekuatan untuk menjimak
isterinya sekian dan sekian.” Sahabat bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah,
apakah ia begitu kuat?” Baginda s.a.w bersabda, “Ia akan diberi kekuatan
seratus orang laki-laki.” (H.R. Tirmidzi)
Dari Ummu Salamah r.a, ia berkata: Saya
bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah, manakah yang lebih utama, wanita dunia
ataukah bidadari yang bermata jeli?” Baginda s.a.w menjawab,
“Wanita-wanita dunia lebih utama daripada bidadari-bidadari yang bermata
jeli, seperti kelebihan apa yang tampak daripada apa yang tidak
tampak.” Saya bertanya, “Kerana apa wanita dunia lebih utama daripada
mereka?” Baginda s.a.w menjawab, “Kerana solat mereka, puasa dan ibadah
mereka kepada Allah. Allah meletakkan cahaya di wajah mereka, tubuh
mereka adalah kain sutera, kulitnya putih bersih, pakaiannya berwarna
hijau, perhiasannya kekuning-kuningan, sanggulnya mutiara dan sisirnya
terbuat dari emas. Mereka berkata, ‘Kami hidup abadi dan tidak mati,
kami lemah-lembut dan tidak jahat sama sekali, kami selalu mendampingi
dan tidak beranjak sama sekali, kami redha dan tidak pernah
bersungut-sungut sama sekali. Berbahagialah orang yang memiliki kami dan
kami memilikinya’.” (H.R. Ath-Thabrani)
Riwayat Ibnu Abbas r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w
bersabda: “Sesungguhnya di dalam syurga itu terdapat bidadari-bidadari.
Dikatakan kepadanya, namanya ‘Aina’, ia diciptakan dari empat unsur,
iaitu misik, kafur, anbar dan za’faran. Semua bidadari-bidadari itu
sangat merindukan suami-suami mereka. Andai sekali saja
bidadari-bidadari itu meludah di dunia maka tawarlah lautan tersebut
lantaran ludahnya. Tertulis pada tengkuknya, ‘Barangsiapa yang suka akan
dirinya seperti aku, maka beramal dengan ketaatan kepada Tuhannya’.”
Riwayat Ibnu Mas’ud r.a, Rasulullah
s.a.w bersabda: “Sesungguhnya ketika Allah menciptakan syurga ‘Adn, Dia
memanggil malaikat Jibril, berangkatlah engkau ke syurga ‘Adn dan
lihatlah apa yang telah aku ciptakan untuk hamba-hambaKu dan
wali-waliKu. Maka berangkatlah Jibril ke syurga ‘Adn dan mengelilingi
syurga tersebut. Maka salah seorang bidadari dari penghuni istana-istana
syurga yang masih perawan dan matanya bersinar-sinar memuliakannya,
lalu bidadari itu tersenyum pada malaikat Jibril, maka menjadi teranglah
syurga ‘Adn kerana gigi-giginya. Lalu malaikat Jibril bersujud, ia
menyangka cahaya itu berasal dari Nur Tuhan Yang Maha Mulia. Maka
bidadari itu memanggil malaikat Jibril, “Wahai makhluk yang dipercayai
Allah s.w.t, tahukah engkau untuk siapa aku diciptakan?” ucap bidadari
jelita itu. “Tidak,” jawab malaikat Jibril. “Sesungguhnya aku ini
diciptakan oleh Allah s.w.t untuk orang yang memilih redha Allah s.w.t
daripada menuruti hawa nafsunya,” ungkap bidadari itu.”
Di dalam kitab Daqoiqul Akbar Fii
Dzikril Jannati Wan-Nar karya Imam Abdirrahim bin Ahmad Al-Qadhiy
disebutkan: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, “Allah s.w.t menciptakan wajah
bidadari dari empat warna, iaitu putih, hijau, kuning, dan merah. ALLAH
menciptakan tubuhnya dari minyak za’faran, misik, anbar dan kafur.
Rambutnya dari sutera yang halus. Mulai dari jari-jari kakinya sampai ke
lututnya dari za’faran dan wangian. Dari lutut sampai payudara dari
misik. Dari payudara sampai lehernya dari Anbar dan dari leher sampai
kepalanya terbuat dari kafur. Seandainya bidadari itu meludah sekali di
dunia, maka jadilah semua air di dunia Kasturi. Di dadanya tertulis nama
suaminya dan nama-nama Allah s.w.t. Pada setiap tangan dari kedua
tangannya terdapat sepuluh gelang dari emas, sedangkan pada jari-jarinya
terdapat sepuluh cincin, dan pada kedua kakinya terdapat sepuluh
binggal (gelang kaki) dari Jauhar dan permata.”
Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012
Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012
Natasha Bedingfield - i love you
These words are my own
Threw some chords together, the combination D-E-F
Its who I am, its what I do, and I was gonna lay it down for you
I tried to focus my attention, but I feel so A-D-D
I need some help, some inspiration, but its not coming easily
Tryin to find the magic,
Tryin to write a classic,
Dontcha know, dontcha know, dontcha know?
Wastebin full of paper,
clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
Read some Byron Shelley and Keates,
recited it over a hip-hop beat
I'm havin trouble sayin what i mean,
with dead poets and a drum machine
You know i had some studio time booked,
but i couldnt find the killer hook,
now you're gonna raise the bar right up,
nothin i write is ever good enough
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
I'm gettin off my stage
the curtains pull away
No hyperboles to hide behind
My naked soul exposes
Tryin to find the magic,
Tryin to write a classic,
Wastebin full of paper,
clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart
I love you I love you, thats all i got to say
cant think of a better way, and thats all i got to say
I love you, is that ok?
Threw some chords together, the combination D-E-F
Its who I am, its what I do, and I was gonna lay it down for you
I tried to focus my attention, but I feel so A-D-D
I need some help, some inspiration, but its not coming easily
Tryin to find the magic,
Tryin to write a classic,
Dontcha know, dontcha know, dontcha know?
Wastebin full of paper,
clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
Read some Byron Shelley and Keates,
recited it over a hip-hop beat
I'm havin trouble sayin what i mean,
with dead poets and a drum machine
You know i had some studio time booked,
but i couldnt find the killer hook,
now you're gonna raise the bar right up,
nothin i write is ever good enough
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
I'm gettin off my stage
the curtains pull away
No hyperboles to hide behind
My naked soul exposes
Tryin to find the magic,
Tryin to write a classic,
Wastebin full of paper,
clever rhymes- see ya later
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart flow,
I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
There's no other way to better say
I love you, i love you
These words are my own, from my heart
I love you I love you, thats all i got to say
cant think of a better way, and thats all i got to say
I love you, is that ok?
ayam den lapeh
Luruihlah jalan Payakumbuah
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima hati indak kan rusuah
Ayam den lapeh, ohoi … ayam den lapeh
Mandaki jalan Pandaisikek
Manurun jalan ka Biaro
Di ma hati indak maupek
Awak takicuah, ohoi … ayam den lapeh
Sikua capang sikua capeh
Saikua tabang sikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Ai lah malang juo
Pagaruyuang jo Batusangka
Tampek mandaki dek urang Baso
Duduak tamanuang tiok sabanta
Oi takana juo
Den sangko lamang nasi tuai
Kironyo tatumpah kuah gulai
Awak ka pasa alah usai
Oi lah malang denai
O hoi … ayam den lapeh
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima hati indak kan rusuah
Ayam den lapeh, ohoi … ayam den lapeh
Mandaki jalan Pandaisikek
Manurun jalan ka Biaro
Di ma hati indak maupek
Awak takicuah, ohoi … ayam den lapeh
Sikua capang sikua capeh
Saikua tabang sikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Ai lah malang juo
Pagaruyuang jo Batusangka
Tampek mandaki dek urang Baso
Duduak tamanuang tiok sabanta
Oi takana juo
Den sangko lamang nasi tuai
Kironyo tatumpah kuah gulai
Awak ka pasa alah usai
Oi lah malang denai
O hoi … ayam den lapeh
Kau selalu tak pernah tau
Tanpa kau tau
aku bahagia sejak ada dirimu
walau satu detik
satu menit
satu jam
bahkan satu hari saja
saat itu
terimakasih Bandung
aku bahagia sejak ada dirimu
walau satu detik
satu menit
satu jam
bahkan satu hari saja
saat itu
terimakasih Bandung
Jumat, 28 September 2012
yes that i am
i always fall with a wrong guy
u'll never know how it feel
go with a couple in one evening
it's called dafuq
u'll never know how it feel
go with a couple in one evening
it's called dafuq
Another Day - LENE MARLIN
Lie to me, say that you need me
That's what I wanna hear
That is what, what makes me happy
Hoping you'll be near
All this time, how could I know
Within these walls, I can feel you
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now,
and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
You must think, how can this be
You don't really know me I can't tell, this ain't the time
You'll never be mine What can I say, something 'bout my life I just lost again
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now, and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
Always have to move on, To leave it all behind
Go along with time
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now, and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
That's what I wanna hear
That is what, what makes me happy
Hoping you'll be near
All this time, how could I know
Within these walls, I can feel you
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now,
and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
You must think, how can this be
You don't really know me I can't tell, this ain't the time
You'll never be mine What can I say, something 'bout my life I just lost again
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now, and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
Always have to move on, To leave it all behind
Go along with time
Another day goes by, will never know just wonder why
You made me feel good, made me smile I see it now, and I can say it's gone
That would be a lie Cannot control this, this thing called love
Minggu, 16 September 2012
The Script - The man who can't be moved
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am
Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do
How can I move on when I've been in love with you
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
Policeman says son you can't stay here
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go
[ Lyrics from: ]
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl, oh whoa
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world
Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet
Oh, you see me waiting for you on a corner of the street
So I'm not moving
('Cause if one day you wake up, find that you're missing me)
I'm not moving
(And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be)
I'm not moving
(Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet)
I'm not moving
(Oh, you see me waiting for you on a corner of the street)
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am
Some try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do
How can I move on when I've been in love with you
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
Policeman says son you can't stay here
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go
[ Lyrics from: ]
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
So I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
I'm not moving
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl, oh whoa
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world
Maybe I'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
'Cause you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we meet
Oh, you see me waiting for you on a corner of the street
So I'm not moving
('Cause if one day you wake up, find that you're missing me)
I'm not moving
(And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be)
I'm not moving
(Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet)
I'm not moving
(Oh, you see me waiting for you on a corner of the street)
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Kamis, 06 September 2012
Senin, 23 Juli 2012
I Don't Love You- My Chemical Romance
Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way
And after all this time that you still owe You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know So take your gloves and get out Better get out while you can
When you go would you even turn to say "I don't love you like I did yesterday"?
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading So sick and tired of all the needless beating But baby when they knock you down and out It's where you oughta stay
Well after all the blood that you still owe Another dollar's just another blow So fix your eyes and get up Better get up while you can, whoa whoa
When you go would you even turn to say "I don't love you like I did yesterday"? Well come on, come on!
When you go would you have the guts to say "I don't love you like I loved you yesterday"?
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
And after all this time that you still owe You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know So take your gloves and get out Better get out while you can
When you go would you even turn to say "I don't love you like I did yesterday"?
Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading So sick and tired of all the needless beating But baby when they knock you down and out It's where you oughta stay
Well after all the blood that you still owe Another dollar's just another blow So fix your eyes and get up Better get up while you can, whoa whoa
When you go would you even turn to say "I don't love you like I did yesterday"? Well come on, come on!
When you go would you have the guts to say "I don't love you like I loved you yesterday"?
I don't love you like I loved you yesterday I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
Jumat, 13 Juli 2012
Rabu, 11 Juli 2012
Terapi Warna Redakan Stres
Warna akan mempengaruhi mood seseorang, rasanya hampir semua orang tahu mengenai fakta ini. Beberapa warna akan membuat stres Anda reda, misalnya warna biru yang terbukti mampu meredakan stres. Tidak hanya warna biru, Anda bisa menggunakan warna-warna lain sebagai terapi untuk meredakan stres Anda.
Jika demikian, Anda harus tahu warna-warna apa yang bisa Anda pilih untuk meredakan stres Anda. Beda warna, beda juga kegunaannya. Tidak hanya dalam hal pakaian atau aksesoris yang Anda gunakan, Anda harus memilah warna-warna pereda stres pada lokasi-lokasi yang tepat. Dan inilah terapi warna yang bisa Anda coba.
Pakai sesuatu dengan warna kuning. Entah itu pakaian atau aksesoris saat mood Anda sedang tidak baik. Warna kuning akan memancarkan efek penuh semangat dan gembira. Dalam kaitannya dengan terapi stres, warna kuning dapat mengembalikan kesegaran dari deraan depresi yang menghampiri Anda.
Merah Muda Lembut
Warna penuh cinta bukan? Warna merah muda lembut adalah warna yang lembut dan tenang. Masukkan warna merah muda lembut pada beberapa perabotan rumah Anda untuk menciptakan suasana tenang. Anda juga bisa melapisi dinding kamar mandi dengan warna ini untuk mendapatkan ketenangan ekstra saat mandi. Memakai sweater warna merah muda lembut akan memancarkan aura kelembutan.
Mewarnai dinding kamar dengan warna biru yang lembut akan membuat Anda rileks dan tenang, sekaligus memudahkan Anda tidur. Jika Anda mengidap insomnia, maka memasukkan warna biru pada perabotan kamar sangat disarankan. Seandainya Anda tidak terlalu suka dengan perabotan warna biru, pakai saja piyama warna biru yang segar.
Ungu adalah warna yang memancarkan kebijaksanaan, kedamaian dan kekuatan. Sehingga warna ini sering digunakan sebagai warna kerajaan pada masa lalu. Menggunakan warna ungu pada beberapa perabotan rumah akan memancarkan aura ketenangan, sehingga suasana rumah/kamar tidur Anda semakin nyaman.
Jika Anda banyak memasukkan warna hijau di kebun, peralatan rumah atau menjadi warna yang sering Anda pakai sebagai busana, maka Anda akan selalu dilingkupi rasa tenang dan mengurangi kecemasan yang menghampiri Anda. Apabila perasaan Anda sedang dalam kondisi yang kusam, maka memakai warna hijau bisa membuat mood Anda kembali segar.
Memilih warna putih dapat dapat memberi efek bersih, alami dan tenang. Memakai sesuatu dengan warna putih dapat membuat pikiran lebih penuh dengan pikiran-pikiran yang bersih (positif) dan penuh semangat. Memakai putih pada dekorasi rumah juga membantu memberikan efek luas, bersih dan segar. Tetapi hati-hati, pastikan warna putih tetap bersih, karena jika kotor, mood Anda akan ikut terpengaruh.(Naw-CR)
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Selamat Malam
Kuucapkan kata itu untuk mu
Selamat Tidur
Kata-kata itu juga untuk mu
Terima Kasih untuk malam yang indah tahun lalu
Kan ku beri semua senyum ku, jika hanya itu yang kau perlu
Ya Rabb
Aku hanya menginginkan nya
Dia yang sangat mengagungkan Mu
Mungkin dengannya aku pun bisa lebih dekat Mu
Hanya dia yang bisa membuatku ingat pada Mu
Dekatkanlah kami
Jika itu jalan Mu
Kuucapkan kata itu untuk mu
Selamat Tidur
Kata-kata itu juga untuk mu
Terima Kasih untuk malam yang indah tahun lalu
Kan ku beri semua senyum ku, jika hanya itu yang kau perlu
Ya Rabb
Aku hanya menginginkan nya
Dia yang sangat mengagungkan Mu
Mungkin dengannya aku pun bisa lebih dekat Mu
Hanya dia yang bisa membuatku ingat pada Mu
Dekatkanlah kami
Jika itu jalan Mu
Jumat, 30 Maret 2012
Colbie Caillat - I Do
It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy to say that our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew till I met you
You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, I did, I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust and never feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say
Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm old and sit next to you.
And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
Bimbang - Melly Goeslaw
Pertama kali aku tergugah
Dalam setiap kata yang kau ucap
Bila malam tlah datang
Terkadang ingin ku tulis semua perasaan
Kata orang rindu itu indah
Namun bagiku ini menyiksa
Sejenak ku fikirkan untuk ku benci saja dirimu
Namun sulit ku membenci
Pejamkan mata bila kuingin bernafas lega
Dalam anganku aku berada disatu persimpangan jalan yang sulit kupilih
Ku peluk semua indah hidupku
Hikmah yang ku rasa sangat tulus
Ada dan tiada cinta bagiku tak mengapa namun ada yang hilang separuh
Dalam setiap kata yang kau ucap
Bila malam tlah datang
Terkadang ingin ku tulis semua perasaan
Kata orang rindu itu indah
Namun bagiku ini menyiksa
Sejenak ku fikirkan untuk ku benci saja dirimu
Namun sulit ku membenci
Pejamkan mata bila kuingin bernafas lega
Dalam anganku aku berada disatu persimpangan jalan yang sulit kupilih
Ku peluk semua indah hidupku
Hikmah yang ku rasa sangat tulus
Ada dan tiada cinta bagiku tak mengapa namun ada yang hilang separuh
Senin, 19 Maret 2012
One and Only - Adele
You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day,
Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taken me so long
To let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want
I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
Promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I've been on your mind
You hang on every word I say
Lose yourself in time at the mention of my name
Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close?
And have you tell me whichever road I choose you'll go
I don't know why I'm scared 'cause I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You'll never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
So I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
Come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts.
I grow fonder every day,
Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taken me so long
To let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want
I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
Promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I've been on your mind
You hang on every word I say
Lose yourself in time at the mention of my name
Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close?
And have you tell me whichever road I choose you'll go
I don't know why I'm scared 'cause I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You'll never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
So I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
Come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts.
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
Senin, 13 Februari 2012
Selasa, 07 Februari 2012
my dearest,
whenever you miss someone
look at the sky..
although you might not see the person there
but feel happy that you two are under the same sky
look at the sky..
although you might not see the person there
but feel happy that you two are under the same sky
Kamis, 26 Januari 2012
Elvis Presley - Always on my mind
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time
But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl, I'm sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your
Sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time
But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl, I'm sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your
Sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied
Little things I should have said & done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
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